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Ways to Show Your Heart Some Love

When you think of those whom you love, you might say that you feel it with your whole heart. We associate the heart with feeling and giving love, but we also need to recognize that the heart, the actual organ that beats without us having to ask, needs to get some love from us, too. Here, we want to suggest a few ways that you can show your heart some love. In so doing, you can reduce your risk of heart disease and cardiac events.

Reduce Your Risk Of A Heart Attack

  1. Know your numbers. As you get older, it is important to see your doctor every year for routine measurements of vital numbers. These include your waist circumference, your triglycerides, your total cholesterol level (HDL), and your blood pressure and blood glucose levels. Increased levels of three or more of these measurements mean an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.
  2. Physical activity. Exercise need not be a practice in getting lean and fit. The most value is gained internally. Since the heart muscle benefits from exercise just like any other muscle, this makes it meaningful to longevity. There is no need to perform any particular exercise to start gaining cardiovascular strength. A daily, thirty-minute walk is a great place to start. As long as you engage in physical activity four or five days a week, you’re on the right track.
  3. Blood pressure maintenance. Just like you maintain your waistline and your teeth, you also want to carefully manage your blood pressure to reduce the risk of a heart attack. Blood pressure maintenance may include limiting sodium intake and salt intake and also keeping your consumption of caffeine and alcohol to a minimum. Also, stress is a big factor in elevated blood pressure. There are numerous ways to reduce stress, from a daily walk in the park to a yoga class to meditating at the end or beginning of the day.

Schedule A Consultation

Showing your heart the love that it deserves ultimately serves you well. If you’ve got questions about a diagnosed heart condition or cardiac symptoms, we are happy to speak with you. Call one of our New York offices for friendly assistance.

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